That Good Ol’ Work Life Balance…

I feel like have been on hundreds of interviews since I had my daughter almost 9 years ago. Ok, that may be exaggerated but maybe not if we include all the phone interviews. Anyway, I was never one of those people who spoke about having a child with prospective employer.  I didn’t want anyone to think I would not be able to do the job because I had a sick kid at home or I would miss work when it snowed due to school closing.  Of course an employer is not supposed to discriminate against you but…you know.  One time, I was interviewing for a part-time job because I wanted to supplement my consulting income and still be there for pick up and drop off. So this was an exception to mentioning my little sidekick in an interview.  These people actually asked me how was my support system. Say what?!

The upside to working for yourself is you don’t have necessarily have to worry about that. Even then you may have some meeting you have to attend or a call you have to be on, etc. Not all entrepreneurs work from home. However, for the most part you can be at every oddly scheduled awards assembly and make every field trip if you choose.  The reality is most people do not have it like that.  I know there are some Dads who face this but let’s be real this has been a working mom’s issue forever.  Remember the movie Baby Boom with Diane Keaton?  Google it…

This may be the millennial in me talking but in 2017 there is no reason we cannot have it all.  Technology is amazing.  We can do actual work from smart phones, there is literally an app for everything!  There is no need for a 40 to 50 hour work week for everyone.  Work smart, not hard right?! Life is a grind, at least it is here.  Rush hour is a bi#$%.  We should all be able to get our appointments whether a facial or the dentist, taken care of without fear during the day.  We should be able to go to the gym at a decent hour, without worrying about having enough time to work out before the gym’s day care closes.  Yes, these are first world problems but hello, this is the first world!

*drops mic and steps off soapbox*

I say all that to say, if I were to go into an interview today, I am asking about the work life balance.  I don’t want to pretend it doesn’t matter, they definitely need to know that I a BOSS but my family is important. Yes, I am a mother and yes, I want to stay home sometimes and work in my yoga pants. I will still come in and grace the office with my presence but can I get some of that good ol’ work life balance.

Let’s Get Back to Business…

Being an entrepreneur or owning a business is hard. If you haven’t heard most businesses fail in the first year. The rest probably fail in the second. Sorry for my lack of actual stats but this is just conversation. There are so many small details to just setting up your business and people have plenty of advice for you. My business is services based so I cannot provide too much insight on a product based business at this time. I have attended so many seminars and conferences about small businesses I will probably hold my own in a few years. However, I would recommend them, even if the information is redundant, they are a great place to network. Most of them are free and who can be mad at that.  Sometimes you just need to be in a room full of people trying to do the same thing you are, which is start, build, grow a business. I find that at the very least it motivates me and gets my brain working on my next idea or project. You never know if you are going to meet your next client, customer or partner. How exciting is that?!  So get out there!

The Twilight Zone 

I have really been in a haze over the past few weeks. A few days before the inauguration it finally started to set in that this country really made this man the president. I felt like I wanted to cry…no really. So many thoughts of what in the world is going to happen with mini breaks of optimism thinking no, he wouldn’t do that…well he did. ACA definitely has its flaws but I blame that on the opposition it received as well as our now beloved President Obama. I always loved him even when he was senator but he is definitely loved by more people now. However, that is another post all together. Anyway…it is day 6 and the dark empire has already done so much. He cut funding all over the place and of course that damn wall. Oh and that horrible pipeline. I try to put a deaf ear to it all but it is hard to be conpletely oblivious. What is next?! I just want the storm to be over, so we can pick up the pieces. 

The Dark Empire…just a short note

The Presidential election was earlier this week and to much surprise (but not really), the country elected Donald Trump.  I am a bit worn out on the discussions about it but I will say, it is not Trump I am necessarily worried about it is the evil that has been brought out in a certain demographic of people that scares me.  I worry about my safety as well as my family’s.  I will say that I am not here for it though and it definitely will not be tolerated.  I hope other minorities will find the strength as well and not live in fear.

Now from the #QueenofHR’s point of view…what is to come is yet to be seen.  The Affordable Care Act affectionately known as Obamacare,  was supposed to be great thing and parts of it actually are.  However, “the government” and the insurance companies just could not let it be great.  Of course all you heard the entire campaign was “repeal Obamacare” and now that it is over, it does not seem like that will be what happens, at least not right away.  HR departments and businesses are still struggling to be compliant. Any significant change would be a tragedy…so let’s stay optimistic.

My very FIRST blog post!!


My name is Tai Bruton…pronounced tie brewton and I am a self proclaimed Lady Boss and #queenofhr (follow me on Instagram @ima_lady_boss).  I am a Human Resources (HR) Professional by trade.  Yes, I have a certification and everything, along plenty of years in the field.  I love HR.  Yes, really! Human Resources embodies business, finance, law and customer service.  The possibilities are endless under the HR umbrella.

Anyway, I started this blog so I can have a place to share my views and knowledge in the field but also share my experiences.  I specialize in small business solutions, not just HR but other vital pieces as well such as operations and finance. I have worked with a number of companies and clients from start-ups to the well established.

I am building a brand not just a company…however the company is Bruton Corporate Solutions, LLC, remember us when you are looking for that HR or Small Business Solution.

I look forward to getting to know you all.